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How to be safe on Australia Day

Australia Day is all about catching up with friends, family and appreciating the Australian way of life. For a lot of people, it’s also a day of swimming, a day out on the boat and a few drinks.  There are a few things to consider this Australia day to ensure you enjoy your day off work and don’t end up in A&E.

Here are some quick safety tips on how to enjoy your Australia day:

Keep hydrated: Australia Day is on January 26th – pretty much the middle of summer.  The day itself is usually filled with activity and for some people, a bit of alcohol and more often than not, we all forget to stock up on the H2O. Keeping hydrated, especially during the heat of the day is essential for both getting through Australia Day and you’re recovery the next day when you’re back at work. If you’re having a few drinks, try one-for-one. For every alcoholic drink, have a drink of water – you’ll be amazed how much of a difference it will make.

Be Sun smart: Sun stroke and heat stroke are the direct effects from over-exposure to the sun and dehydration. If you are spending Australia Day out in the sun and/or in the water, be mindful of keeping in the shade as much as possible, dose up on the sun cream and drink lots and lots of water. Be particularly mindful of children too over-heating.

Have a First Aid Kit on hand: It may sound Over The Top but no-one can foresee when an accident is going to happen.  The combination of lots of people, a few drinks and summer time fun can sometimes result in an incident where First Aid is required. Whether you’re out on the boat, having a BBQ in the park with friends or at the beach with kids, always ensure you have easy access to a first aid kit. It’s better to be over-prepared than overwhelmed.

Obviously the best safety tip we can give you over this Australia Day holiday is to brush up on your first aid skills to ensure irrespective of the day, holiday and location, you are always prepared. If you are interested in any of our First Aid courses, contact our head office today for more information.

First Aid Kit Gold Coast