FAAE News, First Aid Advice

Back to school First aid tips

It’s that time of year again when all the parents are rejoicing as the kids start their new school year for 2016. Some will be starting for the first time while others will be back in familiar territory, either way, there are always things to consider when it comes to the health and safety of your child:

Keep them hydrated: Traditionally the school year starts end of January – right in the heat of Summer. In addition to loading them up with a good-sized water bottle, take a bit of time to sit down and chat to your children about the importance of drinking water throughout the day.  It will help their concentration levels as well as their general well-being if they keep up the fluids throughout the day.

Be Sun Smart: The ‘No Hat, No Play’ rule has become a traditional part of Australian schooling. Whilst hats play a major part of protecting our children from sun exposure, talk to them about spending a bit of time in the shade at lunch time – especially in te hotter months. Also throw a little bottle of suncream into their school bag for their PE days.

Hygiene: Most germs and viruses are spread through contact which is why it is so important for children to understand that they must wash hands after going to the bathroom, after time in the playground and before they handle food. Instilling this practice at a young age will ensure that it becomes second nature as they grow up.

Medical conditions and allergies: If your child suffers from a medical condition such as asthma or has allergies, it is essential that you notify the school and speak to your child’s teacher. You also need to spend a bit of time with your child to explain what will happen if they do have a reaction or incident so they are less likely to panic and know who to speak to.

If you are interested in attending one of our first aid courses to brush up on your own first aid skills, or you have a child with a condition that you would like to fully understand the correct first aid treatment (such as asthma or anaphylaxis), contact us today.

Back to school first aid tips